Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 423, PUESTO Deli & Kitchen staff

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Gotts Store & Restaurant
Tremont, Maine

Deli & Kitchen staff
Salario: $ 15.00 p/hour
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 01 - 15
Fecha de finalización: Mar 01 - 28
Horas de trabajo promedio: 35-38
Sexo requerido: Femenino.
Nivel de Idioma: Advanced.
Vacantes Disponibles: 1.
La empresa:

For over 70 years, Gott's Store has been serving the Southwest Harbor community. More than just a convenience store, Gott's also provides quick meals to families and tourists on the go, including pizza, sandwiches, ice cream, salads, and more. It is a favorite spot among locals and visitors!



Cashier & Kitchen staff:

*ringing up customers' items and orders
*completing cash and credit card transactions
*handing correct change to customers
*providing friendly service
*answering customers' questions
*cleaning duties
*Kitchen duties, food prep, sandwich making


Deli & kitchen staff:

*taking customer orders accurately
*providing friendly service
*cleaning duties
*washing dishes in the kitchen
*preparing meals in the kitchen
*selling ice cream
*handling the cash register


Otros datos:





Estimated Weekly Cost: USD 125.00
Employee housing consists of a 3 bedroom house with kitchen, common room, bathroom, and on site laundry. There will be 2-3 people per room. A maximum of 8 people will share the house. The house is located just across the parking lot from Gott's Store. Internet is included.

Gott's Store
113 Bass Harbor Rd
Southwest Harbor ME
04679 - United States


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Puestos de Trabajo

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Ferias de Empleadores

Esto y mucho más podrás elegir durante nuestra Feria de Trabajo presencial con más de 25 empleadores..

Charlas Informativas

Participá todos los martes 12hs y jueves 15hs, en nuestras oficinas. Cupos limitados