Work and Travel USA - EMPLEADOR 398, PUESTO Counter Person - Team Member

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South Boston, Massachusetts

Counter Person - Team Member
Salario: $ 16.50 p/hour
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 01 - 20
Fecha de finalización: Mar 09 - 29
Horas de trabajo promedio: 32-35
Sexo requerido: Ambos.
Nivel de Idioma: Upper Interrmediate - Advanced.
Vacantes Disponibles: 5.
La empresa:

You should have the flexibitlity and willingness to work a variety of tasks during the work day.

The job requires standing on your feet for long periods of time, working well as a team, working well in a fast paced environment and feeling comfortable working with the American public.


Job description: Your primary responsibilities include operating cash registers, greeting customers, taking
food and drink orders, and completing transactions. Dunkin’ Donuts cashiers also regularly
clean work stations, brew and grind the coffee, restock cups and food items, assist bakers,
and help clean the restaurant by sweeping, mopping, removing trash, and cleaning
bathrooms. Cashiers work on foot for long periods of time. Applicants should possess
excellent verbal communication skills and mathematics skills.

The employer will assign a location to one of the many Boston stores upon arrival. The
address listed is the main office.




Otros datos:

Some Beverages are free while on duty.

Certain menu items are also offered at a 50%






 Must arrange your own housing.

Students will need to apply for social security and show proof of application prior to starting work. 

Approx weekly cost: $ 150 per person




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