Pasantías Rentadas | WelcomeAbroad

Pasantias Rurales (agricultura & vitivinícola)

Programa Pasantias Rurales (agricultura & vitivinícola)

Basic Agricultural Trainee and Intern Programs

These programs provide basic work-experience internship and training for one year on selected host farms in the United States in a specific field of agriculture. During the training or internship, participants either receive a monthly stipend or are placed on the host's payroll. Participants in these basic programs will receive a minimum of housing and US$900 per month, or the equivalent.


Wine Harvest and Crush Program

This program is normally lasts between two to five months depending upon the length of the grape harvest and crush season. It provides hands-on experience in the United States in the wine grape crush for men and women from other countries. Participants are placed on payroll with the host winery providing practical experience.


Short Programs

A limited number of other short programs ranging from three to eleven months are available from time to time for specific agricultural commodities.


Associate of Applied Science

Qualified interns and trainees have a possibility to continue as students at University of Nebraska to obtain an Associate of Applied Science degree. All courses are taught on the campus of the university and will require approximately two years to complete.





Eligibility (Requisitos)

1. Must speak and understand English sufficiently to carry out instructions, to perform internship and training activities, to avoid injury to themselves and others, and to prevent damage to property.

2. Must have an educational background or practical experience in the area of agricultural training or internship sought.

3. May not repeat training previously received while participating in a J-1 training program, however application for advanced or different training in the same field is permitted.

4. Must be prepared to pay for their own travel to their hosts in the United States and to depart the U.S. upon completion of their programs.

5. Must agree to and comply with the program terms and conditions described in the Program Handbook, which may be downloaded from this site.


• 12 meses: USD 2635.-


Esta Pasantía incluye:


• Selección de la empresa agrícola más adecuada al perfil del participante
• Alojamiento durante el período de pasantía (sólo en las Basic Agricultural).
• Viáticos mensuales
• Entrevista virtual (skype) ó telefónica con la Empresa Anfitriona de USA
• Formulario DS2019 para tramitar la visa J1 Trainee
• Cobertura Médica durante todo el período de la pasantía
• Orientación previa a la estadía en USA
• Supervisión y asistencia durante toda la pasantía
• Plan de entrenamiento detallado (Training Plan), formulario DS7002

No incluído en el costo de la Pasantía:


• Matrícula de Inscripción Welcome Abroad: USD 150.- (no reembolsable)
• SEVIS fee (Student Exchange Visitor Information System): USD 180.- (no reembolsable)
• Pasaje aéreo ó terrestre hasta el lugar de la pasantía.
• Tasa de visado J1 Trainee del Consulado de USA en Argentina: USD 160.- (no reembolsable)
• Gastos personales: es recomendable disponer de un mínimo de USD 800.- a tu arribo en USA


Proceso de aplicación y política de cancelaciones

Para aplicar a una pasantía Farmer Exchange, el candidato debe remitirnos su CV en el  formato requerido + ficha médica + copia de pasaporte y Cover Letter. Una vez que confirmamos la pre-aceptación del aplicante, deberá proceder con el pago de la matrícula de inscripción además de un pago de USD 500.- a cuenta del programa, comenzando así el proceso de asignación rural que puede demorar entre 4 y 8 semanas.-

- Una vez aceptado por la empresa anfitriona, el candidato deberá realizar un pago de refuerzo de USD 1000.-

- A partir de ese momento, no hay reembolsos posibles por el monto abonado, cualquiera sea la causa de cancelación de la participación en el Programa.

- Sólo en el caso de visa denegada, se reembolsarán los montos abonados, excepto por      USD 750.- (se debe devolver el formulario DS2019).-

- Todo el programa se abona en Pesos Argentinos al tipo de cambio del día + 4% de cargos administrativos y bancarios. No incluye IVA ni percepción AFIP 3550.-