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WELCOME ABROAD - José Ingenieros 3030 Of.15 - San Isidro. (+54-11) 4732-0647
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Puestos de Trabajos disponibles:
Sexo requerido: indistinto
Idioma: Advanced
Salario: $ 9.75 p/hour + tips
Fecha de ingreso: Dic 1 - 20
Fecha de finalización: Mar 15 - 30
Horas de trabajo promedio: 30-35

Once you have your visa approved, the employer will reach out to you to confirm your housing location. The cost of housing will be deducted from your paycheck. A deposit equivalent of one month of rent is required before move in plus a $150 non-refundable deposit. Deposit will be issued in a check after final paycheck if housing is left in the condition it came in.






La empresa:

A modern Aspen Landmark since 1889.
Hotel Jerome has been the social hub of Aspen since its opening in 1889 at the height of the town’s silver boom, known as the place where all great stories were born and are told. As the only Aspen hotel to survive the silver crash, the long pre-ski-resort winters, and the Depression, we’ve seen cowboys ride through our doors, 10th Mountain Division soldiers gather round over pints after training on the slopes, and Hunter S. Thompson holding court during his run for sheriff. You can’t experience Aspen, without experiencing Jerome.







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