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WELCOME ABROAD - José Ingenieros 3030 Of.15 - San Isidro. (+54-11) 4732-0647
Food Service Worker
Puestos de Trabajos disponibles: 5
Sexo requerido: indistinto
Idioma: Intermediate to Advanced
Salario: $ 14.42 p/hour
Fecha de ingreso: Nov 30 - Dic 01
Fecha de finalización: Mar 05 - 20
Horas de trabajo promedio: 30-35




La empresa:

YMCA of the Rockies, located near the town of Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park -  Snow Mountain Ranch near Granby town,  are an ideal vacation, reunion and conference destination. Come visit and be inspired by our surroundings! Every season brings fun and excitement for the entire family.













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